Our team
Thanks to the transnationality of the partnership, HEALTHY LONELINESS will collect evidence of the local characteristics of loneliness in seniors and the current situation of elderly people with unwanted loneliness in four representative cities: Coimbra, Lodz, Paris and Valencia.
Our team brings a wide expertise representing academic partners from technical and medical domains, municipalities and a citizen’s associations (private organization) representing end-users.
Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Coordinator of this project - Spain
Provides quality assurance and research on issues related to healthy and active ageing and Vicente Traver, PhD. is working (teaching and research) in the eHealth field for 20 years. UPV is the European university leader on remote training in EdX platform and Vicente Traver is also IP of EU projects for training undergraduate and post-graduate students.
Las Naves
The University of Coimbra
Medical University of Lodz